Wednesday, January 27, 2016

We Can't Rob Our Children of Tomorrow

     During our week 2 readings about TPACK, I found a quote in the article Integrating Technology in the Classroom by Nada Salem Abisamra.

"If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow."

     This really resonated with me in a similar way as the "Vision of Students Today" video did last week. It is hard to remember that our world is changing to rapidly that it is a challenge to prepare our students for what they need. Part of this is because in our transforming technological environment, we don't know what our future generations will need.  

     So, how do we teach for today without robbing our students of tomorrow? From our readings, I find that the best way to do so is that we have to continue learning ourselves.  We need to experiment with new technologies and online tools.  We have to seek out the newest ideas and put them into practice.  It is such a big wide world and the internet makes it small enough that we can communicate with other educators and learn from our peers.  

     I understand being comfortable with what we know, but if we went into education to help students and shape the world in the future, then we have a responsibility to teach our students what they need for tomorrow rather than teaching as we did yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it can be quite hard to remember that the world we live in today has SO many technological advances. That being said, it can certainly be hard to use in the classroom.

    I definitely agree with your point of helping the children prepare for the future! Great points!

